Welcome to Guanko Hotel (Chiayi)
A great day starts with freshly made local cuisine in our Morning Buffet Restaurant
Chilling out on the bed in your hotel room watching television, while wearing your own pajamas, is sometimes the best part of a vacation.

Kids-themed Room
The perfect space to play, sleep and dream, the themed room for young children provides comfort, laughter and fun. Kids-themed room equipped with Sebamed kids amenities and fun-packed activities make your stay a pleasant and memorable experience.
Baby crib, bay bath tubs are available upon request.

Pet Friendly Room
Enjoy your luxury getaway without leaving your pet home alone! The Pet Friendly room allows your fluffy one to stay with you, and provides a complete set of pet treat that will make your pet trip memorable.

Standard Twin / King
Standard King Room is designed in a classical styled ambience and offer great value accommodation. Unwind within this cozy room with one king size bed or two twin beds, feather duvet and pillows.

Superior Twin / King
Superior Room is designed in a classical styled ambience and offers spacious accommodation. Unwind within this cozy room with one deluxe king bed or two twin beds, feather duvet and pillows.

Deluxe Triple
Deluxe Triple Room is designed in a classical styled ambience and offer spacious accommodation. Unwind within this cozy room with three single size beds, feather duvet and pillows.

Deluxe Double
Deluxe Double Room is designed in a classical styled ambience and offer spacious accommodation for three person. Unwind within this cozy room with two queen size bed, feather duvet and pillows.

Luxury Family
Family Room features two deluxe queen size beds in a classical styled ambience. A leisure atmosphere and spacious accommodation is the perfect retreat for families or a group of friends.

Guanko Premier Suite
Premier Suite has specious interior with a king size bed room, a living room with a bar and a single bed room. Enjoy a relax vacation, immerse in the greenery on the top floor facing sky garden.

Planing long stay?
Stay two nights to enjoy a 10% off of your stay.
Stay three nights to enjoy a 13% off of your stay.
Stay four nights to enjoy a 15% off of your stay.
Save up to 17% per night!
The longer you stay, the more discounts you save.
This package is only available for bookings on our official website. Other offers cannot be used in combination.

Book our Breakfastless package to enjoy a discount price with no breakfast included.

【Birthday Package】Gift on Me!
We invite you to celebrate your special day with Guanko Hotel.
You spend only $699 to purchase a bottle of selected red wine (can be replaced with sparkling water). We will arrange free birthday decoration and dessert birthday plate on your special day!


Enjoy your In-Room Coffee Experience
We provide selcted UCC Japan coffee drip package to enhance your in room experience.
You can enjoy the aroma of hand-brewed coffee in the room.
Official website or phone reservation for exclusive room upgrade.

Celebrate Your Birthday with Us at G-lounge: Enjoy a Complimentary Fried Platter!
Happy Birthday! We are delighted to celebrate your special day with you! To mark this momentous occasion, customers celebrating their birthdays at G-lounge will receive a complimentary platter of fried delicacies as a token of our appreciation. We hope you enjoy a joyful and festive time with us!


Chiayi Art Museum
The Chiayi Art Museum is built upon the arts and culture characteristics of Chiayi, City of Paintings. Since the preparation period, it has been rooted in the "Preserving and promoting the value and glory of Chiayi, City of Paintings," "Incorporating creativity of aesthetics, art and culture into daily lives and education," "Enriching content of a cultural city in Chiayi" and diverse art development, shaping its important characteristics as an urban art museum.

Taiping Suspension Bridge
Taiping Suspension Bridge is a high-mountain scenic bridge. The 281-meter-long bridge strides across Taipingshan and Guishan at 1,000 meters above the sea level, making it the highest scenic bridge in Taiwan. On the bridge, one can enjoy views of Chiayi's sunset, seas of clouds and the famous Meshan 36 Corners. It even offers a bird's eye view of Chianan Plain and the Taiwan Strait. At night, light shows featuring rainbow colors are held—one color per day, such as red on Monday and orange on Tuesday, from 6p.m. to 10p.m.. On the hour, the light changes its rainbow colors slowly, making the bridge even more worth visiting at night.
Open Hours:
Weekdays: 09:00-16:30
Weekend and Holidays: 09:00-17:30
(Closed on Wednesdays)

Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum
To achieve cultural equity between the northern and southern regions of Taiwan, and to enhance the cultural, educational, social and economic development in central and southern Taiwan, the Executive Yuan approved of the building of the Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum in Taibao, Chiayi County on December 15, 2004, setting the museum as “an Asian Art and Culture Museum”.。
The Taipei Campus and the Southern Branch complement each other and enjoy an equal status in the hope of being the cultural spotlights that ignite both the northern and southern Taiwan to achieve art and cultural equity.

Dongshi Fisherman's Wharf
Dongshi Fisherman's Wharf was conceptualized using the elements of “wind”, “sunlight”, “fish”, “boat”, “ocean” and “lighthouse”, creating a varied ocean style and reshaping the image of fisherman's wharf with a Dutch style. The most attractive feature of the wharf is definitely the row of colorful huts that resemble a foreign land. The vibrantly colored huts also house many merchants, enabling the visitors to have a whale of a time here.
Both the fresh seafood and beautiful sunset are the selling points of Dongshi Fisherman's Wharf, creating a unique theme. Currently, the main facilities include Oceanic Culture Museum, Specialty Museum, as well as a shopping district and the original infrastructures of the fisherman's wharf, which are combined to provide varied services.
The water park, which is popular among children, was also a recreational area near the sea. Through the exquisite skills of the craftsman, the lifelike sculptures of fishermen at work are the best representation of the local fishing village culture. The various installation arts also inject fun into the area through vibrant colors and rich imagination. Each corner is rich and fun.

Alishan National Forest Recreation Area
Alishan National Scenic Area is in central Taiwan. It's dominated by the Alishan Mountains, which feature cloud-ringed peaks and green valleys. The area is home to Tsou aboriginal villages, known for tea production. A narrow-gauge train, part of the Alishan Forest Railway, runs through high-altitude forests. The Giant Tree Plank Trail boardwalk winds past huge cypress trees, including the fallen Alishan Sacred Tree.

The NCYU Insect Museum is one of the largest-scale museums of insects in Taiwan, featuring a wide display of insect specimens at home and abroad and exhibition venues such as the world-class Living Insect Zone and Butterfly Garden. In the book The Fifty Heavens to Visit with Your Children in Your Lifetime published by Han Yu International Culture Publisher, Lin Yao-Huang, a renowned expert on travel, recommends the Museum as one of the fifty must-go destinations for parents in Taiwan.

Sun-Shooting Tower
Chiayi Tower is one of the most representative new landmarks of Chiayi City. Looking up from the ground of Chiayi Park, you will see a gigantic Bauhinia blooming against the blue sky. It is the flower of Chiayi City, displaying its beauty under the sunlight on top of the Chiayi Tower.




在此,我們以蓋亞女神作為莊園的守護神,象徵集團的每一支產品皆取自於自然 .並以創新技術萃煉濃縮精華,將最好的交付給每一位顧客,讓顧客在全方位的呵護下美麗永駐。


深山裏的祕境桃花源 ,網友們稱之為台版金閣寺。清靜悠美宛如來到世外桃源,仿中國唐宋的建築風格顯眼氣派,精緻木雕與宗教信仰的結合,用來詮釋對傳統景仰與藝術之美,金碧輝煌的龍王金殿,殿內供奉著龍王,龍王與水有關,意指飲水思源,殿內供俸的是水龍王, 建築採用日式並採用大量的金色搭配。欣賞美麗的山巒,不論晴天、雨天各有不同景緻。


坐落在阿里山腳下的『鄒族逐鹿文創園區』以鄒族原民文化特色,於 2022 年 9 月新開幕,結合導覽活動、傳統文化、歌舞劇場、美食市集於一身。來到這裡除了可以體驗餵鹿、射箭、原民手作DIY等精彩活動,還能欣賞到鄒族傳統文化的歌舞表演。可以說是阿里山最新、最熱門的打卡地標之一。


位於新港鄉板頭村,是全國第一家利用隧道窯技術生產廟宇剪黏和交趾陶的工廠。 後來增設了「板陶窯文化館」,推展交趾陶文化,成為台灣特有的交趾陶花園。 板陶窯的造景結合了工藝技術,採用古典中式庭園合併日式建築,景觀非常優美

園區占地遼闊,放置許多可愛的白人牙膏吉祥物,另外還有古色古香的將軍府可以參觀拍照。現場另設有免費飲品區、商品展售區。 除了提供牙膏,園方也設置了牙膏DIY機器,可讓民眾體驗牙膏填充的樂趣。

一顆顆黃澄澄的金桔,串起一個家族三代的奮鬥, 民雄金桔觀光工廠已歷經半世紀的傳承與蛻變。佔地面積大約三公頃,園區除了觀光工廠外還設有露營區和烤肉區,是結合了產業文化、休閒娛樂與自然生態為一體的觀光工廠。

全台第一家以方塊酥為主題的觀光工廠。 園區占地約3500坪,結合商場、生產與娛樂的複合式經營,更讓人能夠一探方塊酥的秘密,而整面牆的精緻彩繪則與觀光工廠結合為引人入勝的趣味故事,現場也有許多可愛的展示公仔,讓人忍不住一一合照。

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Stay & Relax
Guanko Hotel (Chiayi)
27 Zhongshun 1st. St., Chiayi City, 600, Taiwan
F +886 5231 8555
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